AATS offers the opportunity to view the following industry-supported webinars. These webinars are produced independent of AATS and are not for CME. The AATS would like to thank these industry partners for their continued support of our overall mission.

Kickstarting a Surgical Arrhythmia Treatment Program
In this webinar, leading physicians dedicated to the management of Atrial Fibrillation participate in a conversational panel discussion that will examine optimal strategies to successfully develop a Surgical Arrhythmia Treatment Program. It explores a multitude of critical topics including the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration and shared responsibility for the patient outcome; monitoring and programmatic outcomes; the benefits and impact of establishing a Hybrid AF program; and role of Left Atrial Appendage Management to eliminate the risks of AF-related stroke.
View AtriCure Webinar
Women and Atrial Fibrillation Webinar Series
The inaugural Women and Atrial Fibrillation Webinar Series, sponsored by AtriCure, features thought leaders at the forefront of cardiac care who examine evidence-based strategies to improve the quality of care in women with Afib, through insightful lectures and interactive panel discussions. Led by the Program Directors, Dr. Roxana Mehran, Dr. HelenMari Merritt-Genore, and Dr. Andrea Russo; the Series has been developed to serve as a resource which delivers unparalleled education, increases awareness, and advocates for the advancement of collaborative strategies between the multidisciplinary cardiac care team who are integral to the management of cardiac care in women.
Women and Atrial Fibrillation Webinar Series
Low Cardiac Output Syndrome Webinar
Low Cardiac Output Syndrome: Impacting Patient Outcomes Through a Heart Team Approach
This webinar explores the increasing complexity in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. There is growing awareness regarding Low Cardiac Output Syndrome (LCOS), clinicians need to be able to identify and manage patients throughout the perioperative period.

Sino-American Thoracic Webinar
Participants will hear from leading thoracic surgeons as they discuss and share tips and techniques for Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery, Immunotherapy and MIE. Agenda topics include:
- Sleeve Lobectomy for Centrally-Located Lung Cancer
- Segmentectomy for Stage I NSCLC
- Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy in Operable NSCLC
- The Evolution of MIE for Esophageal Cancer
Faculty will share their experiences using Ethicon’s latest innovation in Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery.