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Featured Esophageal Surgery Videos
Featured peer-reviewed, surgical videos in esophageal surgery
Robotic Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy in 15 steps
Robotic Ivor Lewis esophagectomy distilled into a series of reproducible steps. Read JTCVS Techniques Article.
Esophageal anastomotic technique
Esophageal anastomotic technique in a patient with esophageal cancer undergoing Ivor Lewis esophagectomy after neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Read JTCVS Article
Supercharged cervical anastomosis for esophagectomy and gastric pull-up
The step-by-step supercharged cervical anastomosis for esophagectomy (SAFE) procedure, and the disc discusses the anatomical topography and final aspect of the microanastomosis. Read JTCVS Article