Medical Student Diversity Scholarship
Applicant Requirements: Deadline ends at 11:59pm Eastern on 7/1/2025
Career Stage: Medical Students
Program Type: Scholarship
Specialty: Multi-specialty
Status: Upcoming
Opens: April 1, 2025
Deadline: July 2, 2025
Program Overview
This award provides up to $10,000 for up to two years to support medical students who are planning to pursue a career in cardiothoracic surgery and are from an underrepresented in medicine population (defined by the AAMC). Scholarship recipients will also receive up to $1,500 to attend the AATS Annual Meeting. First year awardees will be paired with a member mentor and participate in the AATS Member for a Day session.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be enrolled as a medical student in the second or third year (or equivalent) in US or Canada.
- Demonstrate need for financial support.
- Be able to provide copy of current transcripts.
- Demonstrate eligibility as underrepresented in medicine (defined by the AAMC).
Application Process
- Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae with a full description of their surgical experience.
- Copy of current transcripts.
- Narrative demonstrating need for financial support and eligibility for the scholarship, how this funding will support career goals, interest in Cardiothoracic Surgery as a future career, as well as noting medical school start date.
- Letters of support from two medical school faculty sponsors supporting their interest in Cardiothoracic Surgery as a future career.*
- Attachment outlining the requested amount/duration of funding request and proposed budget, including:
- whether funding will be supplementing tuition or living expenses
- AATS Annual Meeting stipend
*For those looking to send letters of support for the candidate directly to the AATS Foundation, please email
Applications requesting $10,000 and an AATS Annual Meeting stipend of $1,500 will be considered, as well as proposals with smaller short-term requests.
Review Process
The AATS Foundation’s Equity & Career Development Scholarship Committee will review all applications and recommend recipients to be presented to AATS Foundation Board of Directors for a final decision. Applications will be graded on all aspects of the award criteria.
All applicants will be notified with an official letter from the AATS Foundation within 2-3 months of the program deadline. Should you have any questions regarding your status prior to receiving this notification, please contact
Competition of Program
At the conclusion of the year of funding, a report must be submitted, highlighting all activities and the advances achieved and future plans for training. The recipient will also work closely with AATS Foundation staff to determine ways to share details with a larger audience.
Program currently closed:
Program will open April 1, 2025.