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Honoring Our Cleveland Clinic Mentors Program

An Honoring Our Mentors Program

Applicant Requirements: Deadline ends at 11:59pm Eastern on 7/1/2025

Program Type: Training Program or Course

Specialty: Cardiac, Congenital, Thoracic

Status: Upcoming

Opens: April 1, 2025

Deadline: July 2, 2025

Program Overview

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The AATS Foundation Honoring Our Cleveland Clinic Mentors Program is for North American cardiothoracic surgery residents in the chief/penultimate year of their training to participate in a full-day program at the Cleveland Clinic to obtain a basic understanding of the steps necessary to secure their first full-time position following completion of their training, developing areas of expertise, and beginning their careers in an academic program. Successful applicants are invited to attend this valuable course (Tentative Date: September 24, 2024) and will be provided with a $1,000 stipend to help cover their travel and hotel expenses. Participants are also welcome, but not obligated, to attend an evening reception preceding the program and a Grand Rounds Presentation/OR Observation following.

The AATS Foundation’s Honoring Our Cleveland Clinic Mentors Program highlights those who have significantly contributed to the cardiothoracic surgical specialty. Through this important program, the establishing donors aim to honor three past members of the Cleveland Clinic staff who have also served as Presidents of the AATS: Delos M. Cosgrove, MD, Floyd D. Loop, MD, and Bruce W. Lytle, MD.

Want to learn more about this leadership seminar? Watch the video interview below with Tara Karamlou, Co-Director of the Cleveland Clinic Honoring Our Mentors Program, and participants from 2023.

View Honoring Our Cleveland Clinic Mentors Program recipients

Eligibility Requirements

  • Candidate must be a cardiothoracic surgery resident or fellow in their penultimate year of training.
  • Candidate must meet all necessary criteria for travel to and from host training site.
  • All participants are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 in order to attend.

Application Process

  • Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae with a full description of their surgical experience.
  • Letter of support from his/her current cardiothoracic Surgery Chairman or Program Director that time to attend the program will be granted.*
  • One-page narrative to include:
    • What applicant hopes to accomplish during time at Cleveland Clinic.
    • How he/she will utilize the skills learned at their home institution.
    • Statement of future career goals.
  • While not required within online application, verification of COVID-19 vaccination may be requested prior to formal acceptance.

*For those looking to send letters of support for the candidate directly to the AATS Foundation, please email

Review Process

The AATS Foundation’s North American Early Career Scholarship Committee will review all applications and recommend recipients to be presented to AATS Foundation Board of Directors for a final decision. Applications will be graded on all aspects of the award criteria.

All applicants will be notified with an official letter from the AATS Foundation within 2-3 months of the program deadline. Should you have any questions regarding your status prior to receiving this notification, please contact

Program currently closed:

Program will open April 1, 2025.