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AATS Foundation Research Scholarship

Applicant Requirements: Deadline ends at 11:59pm Eastern on 12/1/2024

Career Stage: Early Career Surgeons

Program Type: Flagship Program, Research Grant

Specialty: Multi-specialty

Status: Closed

Opens: September 1, 2024

Deadline: December 2, 2024

Program Overview

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In 1985, the AATS established a two-year research scholarship awarded annually to a North American surgeon committed to pursuing an academic career in cardiothoracic surgery. The AATS Foundation's Research Scholarship provides one early-career investigator with a two-year grant of $80,000 each year to pursue research, training and clinical experience. This program is designed as an early-career development award for young surgical scientists. Successful applicants will receive complimentary registration to an AATS Annual Meeting where the will be recognized during the AATS Foundation's Reception.

View AATS Foundation Research Scholarship recipients

Eligibility Requirements

  • A candidate should have completed his/her formal training in cardiothoracic surgery and be certified or in the process of obtaining certification by the appropriate Thoracic Surgery Board in the United States, Canada or international equivalent.
  • Applications for the scholarship must be submitted during the candidate's first two years in an academic position at a U.S. or Canadian institution.
  • Candidates must have completed their cardiothoracic residency within 3 years of application.

Application Process

  • Biosketch.
  • Description of the proposed research, including Background, Specific Aims, Significance and Research Plan – 5 page limit.
  • Description of research facilities.
  • Detailed budget.
  • Disclosure of other currently funded research projects and pending applications for support.
  • Letter of support from Surgical Chief or Director of laboratory where research will be conducted addressing his/her endorsement of proposal and feasibility of the research proposal being carried out.*
  • First most significant Publication.
  • Second most significant Publication.
  • One page narrative describing the relationship of the proposed research to the applicant’s career goals.

*For those looking to send letters of support for the candidate directly to the AATS Foundation, please email


  • All applications will be subjected to a rigorous peer-review process, which will be established and overseen by the Program's Review Committee.
  • The yearly stipend shall be $80,000 paid to the host institution for support of salary, research supplies, travel and other legitimate academic expenses of the scholar.
  • The stipend is to be used for direct salary support and related research expenses only; it cannot be used to support indirect institutional costs.
  • The Scholarship will begin July 1 of the award year and conclude on July 1 two years following. The scholar shall submit an interim and a final written report of his/her research activities to the Board of the Foundation.
  • After completion of research, investigators will be required to submit a final report of their research activities and findings to the AATS Foundation Board.
  • All publications emanating from the research must include acknowledgement of the award.

Successful grant recipients will be required to provide a mid-term progress report outlining their progress to date prior to receiving their second year of support, the following may be used as a guide:

Suggestions and Guidelines for Interim Progress Report

  • Briefly list the specific aims of the project.
  • Indicate what you expected to have done at this point in the project cycle.
  • Describe the barriers to progress to-date.
  • Update your project plans for the second year.
  • Indicate how you expect to continue or complete this research project.
  • Describe plans to submit a manuscript/grant proposal or some other tangible mark of progress in the coming months.
  • If available, submit any tables, figures or graphics from a report or paper you are working on.
  • Feel free to add any additional information that will support a second year of funding.

All applicants will be notified with an official letter from the AATS Foundation within 2-3 months of the program deadline. Should you have any questions regarding your status prior to receiving this notification, please contact

Program past deadline:

Deadline has passed for applying for this program.